Waste Management

Tips and Tricks

  • ReduceBuy less and less often, and avoid single-use plastics. You can also buy in bulk to reduce packaging. 
  • ReuseUse reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee mugs. You can also repurpose items you would normally throw away. 
  • RecycleSort waste before recycling, and use products made from recyclable materials. 
  • CompostComposting organic materials like food scraps, yard waste, and paper can reduce your carbon footprint and create nutrient-rich soil. 
  • Practice the 7 R'sIn addition to the 3 R's, you can also rethink, refuse, repair, regift, and borrow, swap, or share. 
  • Make sustainable purchasesAvoid fast fashion and make sustainable purchases. 
  • Go digitalGo paperless when possible for bills. 
  • Raise awarenessTalk about waste and challenge leaders to do better.